Our story

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International Christian Fellowship Church Denmark (ICFCDK) is a non-confessional international church that across denominations, race, and cultures brings people together for Christ with a mandate to prepare the bride and grow together in Faith. ICFCDK is a bridge to social relations skills and academic knowledge. ICFCDK together with public authorities and other organizations helps to promote integration and build bridges between New Danes and Danes within Denmark. ICFCDK is a bridge builder.

ICFCDK has got an extension in Bujumbura/Burundi in Africa with the same name since 2020. Since 2022, ICFCDK Church entered into partnership with Efatha Church (www.efathachurch.com) in Tanzania. ICFCDK is based in Vejle/Denmark. Our mandate is to prepare the bride for rapture and to make disciples and to planting churches” with respect to Math.28:19 (19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit).

We are also interested in helping the Very Needy Peoples, such as vulnerables, unaccompanied children, raped and abandoned widows including survivors of wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bujumbura Burundi and in other parts of the world through sustainable and development project in a global context together with other NGOs such as Church Integration Service (KIT- https://www.kit-danmark.dk)

Our vision

International Christian Fellowship Church Denmark exists to help build a great city for all people through revival movement of the gospel that brings personal conversion (people to Christ), community formation, social integration and biblical culture renewal to the nation.

Our statement of faith and Identity as the Church of Jesus Christ

We believe in the doctrine of the Trinity and acknowledge that this is the true Christian belief. We believe there is One God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom..

We serve God and our members through the true preaching of the Word of God. ICFC-DK believes in immense water baptism that Jesus himself was an example according to Matthew 3:13-15 to fulfill all righteousness. We believe that water baptism is the public confession of our faith to Christ without which no one is righteous before the throne and the Lord’s Supper. We Believe in the sacrament of marriage as God’s institution and that according to Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, no man can separate

To help build a great city for all people (Inclusion)

Our aspiration. Based on Jeremiah 29:7 we seek to love our God and neighbors by partnering with others to bring about a city that is a thriving and good place for all to live. ICFCDK believes together we can dynamically contribute to bringing a true revival to the land. Our Hymn is” together we can make a change”

A movement of the gospel

  • Our dynamic: The gospel is a living seed that grows and sweeps us along with it. The gospel is both the power for and shaping factor of all we do (Romans 1:16; Galatians 2:14). The gospel flow of our core values spelt out below and the facets or “fronts” of ICFCDK are the main organizational manifestation of our core values. We call them facets or fronts because each is an aspect of the whole, and this means that, while each front specializes in expressing certain values, everyone must carry out their ministry giving attention to all of them. So, for example, worship ministry must consider how to conduct their ministry, and youth ministry and the eco-children-ministry etc. must keep evangelism in mind.
  • Personal conversion: we connect people to God through Prayers, Conferences, Seminars, Couple’s Teachings, Youth Teachings, Children ministration and through praise & worship and discipleship since the whole life is converted and changed by the gospel.
  • Community formation: We connect people to each other through Network fellowship, Community Group fellowship, Charity, Home visitation, hospital visitation, strengthening families through pastoral care, as well as across academic & professional collaboration.
  • Cultural renewal: We connect people to biblical culture, particularly through the integration of faith with work and vocation.
  • Movement: We plant churches in cities and abroad that share these core values. The term “movement” means the proliferation of gospel-based churches, ministries, institutions, companies, and initiatives across the land.

Our Core Values

01. Weekend Worship Experience: 

We value an encounter with the living God and know that He always changes people. Prayer sessions during weekends are opportunities where people deliberately come together for Deliverance and Self-Deliverance Prayers in passionate Praise and worship. Our preaching and teaching are designed to reveal God and open the way to His presence. On the first Friday of every month we are holding an Al-Night Prayer (from 22pm-06am) to empower and equip believers with the entire spiritual weapon. On the third week of the month, we are holding Self-Deliverance Prayers from 06am to 12pm. Intercession group is meeting every Friday from 4pm to6pm Sunday school for children is every Sunday from 1pm to 2pm. At ICFCDK we are Holding Sunday Services for all Nations from 2pm to 4pm Every Sunday. Remember, ICFCDK opens doors for all who are called by God to fulfil the purpose of God over their lives. We believe together we can make a change.

02. ICFCDK – Connection Groups and discipleship: 

We value our church as a spiritual and contagious community connection for believers, bearing for one another in every challenge of life. We believe that meeting only every Sunday at church for 2 hours a Sunday Service is not enough, therefore ICFCDK has created a discipleship home, visiting group, intercession group and cell-groups in different areas both inside the country and outside. The purpose of our group is to connect people together to better impact each other and for mutual relations to better know each other’s needs in order to help and grow together in all stages and ages of life according to Acts 2:44-45 – 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had a need. Forging meaningful relationships and just being the church. Connecting with God & with others, developing disciples, & loving one another.

03. Investing in the Next Generation: 

We value the next generation at ICFCDK It’s better to build now than to mend later. We want to invest in them to show them the love of God.  We want to create an atmosphere that allows them to grow in Christ and feel safe to share their heart. 

04. Missions:  

International Christian Fellowship Church is based in Vejle/Denmark, our main mission is to make disciples and planting churches” according to Math.19:28 19 Jesus says: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age by taking the message of the gospel to all nations and to the ends of the earth based on Acts 1:8) and current goal for 2021 –2025 is “to establish 3 new church communities by 2025”.

Through local outreach, public crusades, interdenominational conferences and seminars so that we minister to reach the needs of the nation. We desire to show the love of God to others; by sharing some possible meal of fellowship after service as believers return home and assisting the needy people in our community.

Cell-ministering for women, men and children through home visitation, assisting single women and the elderly, meeting the needs of those affected by crisis and natural disaster. We have ways for you to get involved and to be affecting the world for the Kingdom of God.

Our Method

01. Compassion:

When someone walks through our church doors, we get excited and welcome that person with compassion. That means showing them the love and kindness of God. There is a strong temptation in every church to become cliquish, but this is a scheme of the enemy. God’s desire is that no one would perish, and that all would come to repentance (2 Peter3:9) the closer we get to God, the greater our capacity to enlarge our circle of love and find room for more people in our hearts. People must come before programs and our own church traditions.

02. Communication:

We value the power of communicating God’s Word. It is the TRUTH that sets us free (John 8:32).  Language is not a barrier at ICFCDK, Ministers share God’s Word in English, Danish, French, Swahili and other languages. All the Services are conducted in English language and interpreted in other languages that are convenient to participants so that every generation can understand and receive Christ. It means that language is not a barrier at ICFCDK

03. Community:

At the International Christian Fellowship Church in Denmark, we believe that we were not made to do life or church alone. We are called to be a part of a community that is larger than just the church, so we want to do our part outside the walls and inside.

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